What are the types of Computer Technologies?
Computer Technologies can be anything from the computer chips to the motherboard, hard drive and even the program which allows you to type this article (Word Processor). The types of Computer Technology could include: Robotics, Communications Technologies, Internet Technologies and Digital Imaging. And those are only a few examples out of thousands.
Computer technology is the combination of scientific discoveries, applied mathematics and - most importantly - hardware and software designs. It can be divided into broad categories such as hardware technology, information technology, communications technology, molecular computing, bioinformatics, cognitive science, developmental technologies etc.
The word computer originally referred to humans that performed calculations or computations. Then, it referred to machines that performed calculations or computations, and ultimately it has come to refer to devices which perform the former tasks.
Information technology (IT)
Information technology (IT) is any application of computers to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data – a process known as information processing. While IT concerns itself with hardware (computer programs, computer networks), software (computer programs operating within a computer system), and databases (vast collections of organized information), it also involves creating the architecture within which these components operate.
Computer hardware technologies deal with physical aspects of computing such as microprocessors, memory devices etc., whereas information technology deals more with logical aspects of computing i.e., how data flows such systems as opposed to the physical media they run on.
Computer software technologies deal with the design and evaluation of an application's (i.e., a human's) interaction with a computer system – any device that can read or write data to/from storage or communicate through a network. Topics studied by software engineers include programming language theory and practice (programming models, program design, implementation, testing and debugging), algorithm design (analysis, interpretation, verification), logic (formal languages, semantics) and database management – this is not an exhaustive list.
The development of computer technology relies on innovations in engineering hardware & software as well as mathematical methods for solving practical problems when designing new computers; it also requires advanced research into efficient algorithms that solve complex problems in science or business. Computer engineering draws upon computer science and electrical engineering, while computer science is a matter of mathematics, philosophy and linguistics. As a result of computers' growing importance in today's world, the demand for experts in computer technology has grown rapidly for years now – it's expected to be one of the most successful careers through 2020.
Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and science that includes mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, control theory and others. Robotics deals with the design, construction and operations of robots – machines capable of executing tasks by following precise instructions or responding to their environment e.g., factory robots for assembling parts etc., robots used on farms etc., drones (self-controlled aerial) etc.; they can be autonomous or semi-autonomous (requiring some human input). Robots normally fall into one of six categories:
from most to least complex
Although robotics is a rapidly changing field, its relationship with other areas in computer science remains strong. Many robotics experts are also computer scientists, mathematicians, engineers and researchers.
Aerospace engineering
Aerospace engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design of aircrafts, especially heavier-than-air craft e.g., airplanes and helicopters; rockets and spacecraft too (where it overlaps with astronautics). Aerospace engineering consists mainly of two major disciplines: aeronautical engineering – which deals with the study and calculation of things like lift (forces involved in flight), drag (resistance to motion through the air) etc.; stability & control (making sure an aircraft doesn't flip over or enter a tailspin) – and astronautical engineering – which focuses on designing spacecrafts capable of entering orbit around planets/celestial bodies; satellites; rovers etc.
The demand for aerospace engineers is on the rise (expected to grow about 5% over the next 10 years) because of new innovations in the industry e.g., drones, reusable rocket boosters etc.; this sector's contribution to GDP is also quickly escalating due to increased government spending.
Aerospace engineering draws upon fundamental concepts from physics, mathematics and materials science; it requires creativity & ingenuity since scientific laws are not always adequate to predict flight or space travel.
Automotive engineering
Automotive engineering primarily focuses on research and development related to improving cars, trucks, motorcycles etc. Automobile design has many specializations including aerodynamics, thermodynamics (heat transfer), dynamics (study of motion), mechanics (application of forces), durability & reliability engineering, energy engineering (efficiency of fuel types), crash-worthiness etc.
Automotive engineers often work in the manufacturing industry; they might also be employed by car manufacturers, private/public companies that make parts for vehicles e.g., glass makers, rubber & plastics suppliers etc., academic institutions (for teaching/research purposes) or government agencies. The demand for automotive engineers is expected to grow 6% over the next 10 years due to increasing demand for green cars and the need for better safety features.
Computer engineering
Computer engineering deals with designing computers; it's a combination of both hardware and software design disciplines. Hardware deals with creating computer systems capable of executing programs accurately while software deals with writing/designing code to tell computers how to do their job(s).